6 Ekim 2013 Pazar

Lamar Down

100% Gold Requirements for Lamar Down
HeadshotsKill 18 enemies with headshots
AccuracyFinish with a shooting accuracy of 70%
Three WayKill one enemy with each character
Mission TimeComplete within 13:30

Lamar Down is a GTA 5 Mission.

Subtlety is lost on these guys. March right through the front door with trevor and attack. Use his special ability until you can reach cover.

Loop right around the mill, following Franklin. Keep to cover as much as you can and watch the catwalks.

When snipers attack, switch to Michael and clear them off the roof, then switch back to Trevor.

Lamar is half-way around the far side of the mill.

Fight your way out the same way you came in. Kill the vehicles with rocketry.

Switch back to Michael and clear out the hill in front of the mill.

Grab the truck with Franklin and make the long drive home.

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